Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Review: Erin Stutland's SHRINK SESSION Workout

A friendly recommendation/review for Erin Stutland's Shrink Session Workout Program!

Hi!  My name is Tara Tagliaferro, a performer/teaching artist based out of Philadelphia, PA currently on the road this holiday season with the HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS National Tour!  I got Shrink Session mid-October this year as a handy work out program to have on the road (perfect for hotel rooms!) and to help meet some of my body/health goals I created in Erin's Magical Manifesters program (scroll down to my blog before to hear more about MM!).  I bought this program because it is a beautiful blend of my favorite aspects of working out (kickboxing!) and also supplements my yoga practice with an enjoyable cardio in the same inspiring realm.  My three go-tos in a weekly workout now include dance class, yoga, and Shrink Session!  What I love about Shrink Session is that it does more for me than the gym ever could with each session's structure and somehow manages to put my mind at peace.  There is clear intention and creativity poured into each workout and Erin is the best motivator.  She has also created multiple schedules for you to chose from, whichever works the best for what you are looking for, to easily mix into your life.  I am pretty new to Shrink Session, so the results have mainly been an invigorating start to my day.  I love doing SS first thing in the morning because it sets the tone right in accomplishing other tasks...and makes me walk a little taller.  The mantras are something else.  As an artist consistently creating my own projects, I love the "What I Dream About, I Bring About It" mantra, sometimes envisioning what I want in my career while I work out.  Its pretty extraordinary and brings a new sense of intensity and energy into the program.  I would recommend Shrink Session to anyone who is looking for an in-home cardio that doesn't make your just sweat, but feel empowered about life and your place in it.  And if you don't want to do it alone, its a party to do in groups! 

Tara Tagliaferro

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Gypsy Tara Lee

.happy november.

Mmmmmmm.  Thank you Frank.

I am in the senior year of my post-school life!!
(Only catch is there won’t be any wine glass clicking celebration of a graduation this time around- BOO!)
But isn’t that crazy- my college senior year was now 4 years ago!?  I’m old.  For some reason, I still tie the seasons of my life to school semesters.  I think I have an obsession with learning...wearing knee socks...and my annual fall outing to Staples for flashy new school supplies...just can’t kick it. 
It is pretty funny though to think about all the projects, trips, and discoveries I’ve had over these years as if they were classes...

Freshman year Tara Tag Real World style included beginner courses like An Intro to Philadelphia, Long Distance Relationship 1, Apprentice 101: Touring in a Van Survival Guide, Performing in Cafetoriums, Puppetry for Dummies, Understudying Prep, Renting vs. Subletting, and a special combo of Koresh Dance School and the 12th St. Gym in fitness and dance.  It was an intense year performing full time for kids that ended in a paid New Hampshire summer stock vacation with my sweetheart.  Not to shabby of a start...

Then sophomore year upped the game and gave me a mixture of practical and fierce with Find Your Fosse Murderess, Commuting to NY, Audition Schlepping 101, Long Distance Relationship 2, Cabaret: How to Create Your One Woman Show from Scratch, Golden Age Comediennes and Class Act Females,  Rock Musical Sk/scr/b-elting, Choreographing Junior Musicals, Camp Walnut 1, Cabaret Rewriting and Collaboration, Ukulele for Beginners, and a combo of dance classes in Philly and NY plus yoga,kickboxing, and ballet barre workouts through Groupon and Living Social and a Disneyland trip to wrap it all up.  WOAH- Busy year.  Bonus! I had an Arizona New Year!

And last year, the junior year, got REAL with How to Co-Star with Leading Men Whom Don’t Dance, But Can SAAANG, Long Distance Relationship 3 (going strong!), Private Coaching Hands On Skills, Whoville 101, Packing for a National Tour (Airport Security would say I failed), Advanced Cabaret Collaboration: Duets, Odd Job Survival Skills, Filing for Unemployment (I think I failed this one too), Understanding Taxes (taught by Poppa Tag), Pink Lady Etiquette, Tanning for Dummies, How to Do Disney World in a Day! (I recommend this course with lots of coffee and power walking...and fast passes), Camp Walnut 2, Double Duty: How to Perform and Teach W/O a Day Off, and many dance, acting, and singing coaching and classes dispersed amongst my two favorite cities, ending with a lot of summer road trips that cruised down memory lane and a Nashville birthday with my family and wonderful guy.
It’s been an adventurous potpourri of an education- I can’t knock that one bit!  Let’s face it; the real world teaches you things school never can.  And you’re the writer of your own syllabus- the absolute best!  I only hope to pass “Packing for a National Tour” this time around.  Get it together Tara!

Sorry for that outburst! On with the blog...

I’m currently in NYC rehearsing muffin top and all for the GRINCH National Tour, elated to be reprising the role of “Mama Who” for a second year!  I wake up every morning excited to make my way on the A train to rehearsal and can’t wait to tell this magical story of Christmas cheer and Who-eee goodness all over the country real soon.  More on Whoville to come, but let’s rewind a bit first. 

Mama and Papa think Christmas is the bee's knees.
Vincent DiPeri is a absolute doll!

What happened this September and October you may ask?  Well, here’s what!!!

.the gypsy.

This early autumn I was wheelie suitcase gypsy, traveling between Philly and New York and occasionally home to Jersey, staying with Momma and Poppa Tag and a plethora of friends as Patrick, my talented boyfriend, continued to be a Tennessee star (he’s currently rehearsing “Nick” in THE GREAT GATSBY)!!   My couch hopping escapades mostly between Harlem, Washington Heights, and the Upper West Side guaranteed my hosts’ Scmackery cookies, which are inventive little son-of-a-guns that make your mouth water in their combo of flavors.  I think its ironic thats its stationed right outside of Broadway Dance Center, tempting me to pack right back on the calories I just burned.  Its all due to two words:  Maple Bacon.  Nom-Nom-Nom-Nom. 

A huge thank you to my amazing friends from Greasers to Montclair alums to summer stock sistas and to hometown roots that sweetly giave me their VERY comfortable couches/futons to crash on.
This beginning of fall felt like college again in so many ways, slipping into old routines with former roommates and best friends of mine, staying up late laughing, rehearsing material for class/auditions in living rooms, and just general reconnecting with people I adore.  As much as I’ve missed Patrick being in NY, this was extremely welcomed and got me all jazzed about moving!  One of my favorite delis in Harlem was even starting to remember my order!!!  NY magic.

What I was up to in the Big Apple:

Ziegfeld Society Debut

What a special day!!!  It felt like Vaudeville Halloween, getting to dress up in insanely lavish costumes and trick or treat on stage and off with two MSU loves I share excellent performance histories with: Devin Johnson (MSU ’13) the tap wizard and Kelsey “Kiki” Thompson (MSU ’10 with me!) the powerhouse.  Too good to be true!


I performed two numbers: “I Don’t Care” as Eva Tanguay, the original Lady Gaga, a ZIEGFELD FOLLIES OF 1909 Hit and “Gotta Get a Gimmick” as Tessie Tura from everyone’s favorite GYPSY.  Show stopping magic!  I will never forget Kiki wailing her trumpet as Mazeppa in my ear.  We have sung “At the Ballet” together in summer stock and have now titled our friendship from Ballet to Burlesque.  <3>

If You Want to Grind It...WAIT 'Til You Refined It!
The adorable Ingrid Saxton as Miss Electra with Kiki and Me

A warm thank you to the man behind the piano as well as the whole sha-bang, Mr. Mark York, for putting together such a rousing tribute of musical theatre gold!  I joke with Mark that he should hire me as his casting director for the Ziegfeld Society, so excited to have gotten many MSU alums, my boyfriend, and myself involved with his past shows.  CHECK OUT THE ZIEGFELD SOCIETY WEBSITE!

Montclair Reunion!

Drop and Give Me 16 Bars!

Alan Souza’s MT Bootcamp class has been the pumpkin spice latte of my fall.  My rep book is feeling cozy, yet fiery and ready to take on the town!  Working with Alan has been exactly what the doctor ordered this fall- a complete repertoire makeover and spruce up to some oldies, but goodies.   Alan is also the best to watch in action; he becomes so passionate about your pieces that he is always on the edge of his seat, shouting truths and subtext at you for fuel.  I love it so much and he inspires the teacher in me.  The discoveries my class and I had in our pieces due to Alan making them very real was sensational and turned our auditioning world into compelling storytelling.  My point of view got a big old work out as I was forced to be specific and true to who I am.  Who could ask for anything more?

Musical Theatre Friends and Family- If you are looking for a good class to get your audition bundle of songs really nifty, I recommend Alan.  You get to work for at least a half hour every week, which is pretty rare in other classes, as well as benefit from Alan’s musical theatre encyclopedia of a brain to recommend you new material.  And he’s just a hoot to boot and a terrific regional theatre director to have on your radar.  I’m also just little bit in love with him and the classmates I got to share it all with!  

Oh also, my GRINCH keyboard team were the darling class accompanists: Peter Nilsen and Steven Cuevas.  Seeing them every week had me itching to sing “Fah-Who-For-Aze!” again!

On Camera

Okay, the Progressive Auto Girl Flo totally inspired me to push past my on-camera hesitations and find my quirky niche in commercial land, signing up for one of my college showcase instructors and casting director for Herman Lipson Casting Barry Shapiro's On-Camera Commercial Technique Course through Actors Connection.  At first I thought, “jeez I blow at this and boy, I cannot watch myself for nothing!”  But week by week, I soon got over it and began enjoying “thinking like the campaign” and toning myself down.  Barry discovered after freezing on my face multiple times that crazy eyes and a weird usage of my eyebrows are a natural default for me- hahaha- it was hilarious...and horrifying torture at the same time.  Thank God I adore Barry, who lead our class of characters with an entertaining sarcastic flare, leaving no one at mercy to his cracks.  I’m hoping to rejoin Barry in the future in his advanced class and to invest energy towards beginning a commercial career!  I am currently freelancing with Philadelphia agent Greer Lange of Expression Models/Greer Lange Talent Agency and will be on the hunt for commercial agents in NY!  May be Flo will need a sister...

Tara Tag The Entrepreneur

Around this time last year, Patrick and I both attended an Equity Membership Candidate meeting at the NY Actors Equity Association building.  There we met Doug Shapiro, a career coach with The Savvy Actor, who was beyond crafty in his audition guidance and targeting plans plus a regular comedienne.  He offered us all free consultations and after trying to schedule a sit down with Doug between both of our out-of-town schedules, it finally happened this September!  Worth the wait- I did not know what I was in for.  Before I knew it, I was signed up for The Savvy Actor Crash Course MBA Weekend.

Press Packet Magic!

I cannot tell you how in invaluable this course is in having you treat yourself as a beautiful budding business.  Marketing, branding, creating focused and motivated yearly goals, financial strategizing...its that scary big girl/real world stuff thats pretty essential in giving actor careers’ forward momentum.  We were given well constructed plans and ways to approach and maneuver through just about everything actors face nowadways from website design, to agent hunting, to social media representation, to budgeting life and actor expenses....making the scary stuff actually pretty creative and enjoyable.  You should see how organized I am now due to this course: creating a weekly budget control, a task manager, a contact sheet of all the industry professionals I know, a branding statement, new cover letters...its really got me putting everything on paper and focusing on one thing at a time.  Doug is now my personal career coach and I couldn’t thank him more for helping me tackle my goals.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SAVVY ACTOR MBA CRASH COURSE WEEKEND!
PS The Career Manual is so worth the investment!

I Happen to Like New York

Other New York high lights included seeing PIPPIN right before Andrea Martin left with college buddy Michael Luongo (both gasping in utter awe), reconnecting with The Growing Studio in taking a two-day master class with Jay Binder complete with sides and coaching sessions (a unforgettable experience), and auditioning all over the place.  I have certainly been hustling, but my smile has stayed pretty strong.  Even as I accidentally missed my bus and had to run to catch a train back to Philly like a looney, I still couldn’t imagine doing anything else.  This career will always keep me young...and running while dragging way to many bags.

Thanks New York.  I think I’ll call you home soon.

.The Philly Home Front.

Before subletting my place this November, not coming back until H2$ begins its Walnut run in May, I loved coming home to my Philly house, cherishing my neighborhood treasures and enjoying biking anywhere I needed to go.  My roommates and I hosted our 3rd Annual Pumpkin Carving Party and anytime spent in my house was just oober relaxing and wonderful in prepping me for my adventures in NY.  I’ve also loved coaching with Philly music director beasts John Daniels and Amanda Morton...and of course singing parlor tunes with Matty Mastronardi into the wee small hours- our favorite way to spend a weekend night.   In Philly, I’d been busy teaching and also completing my 4 week online course with Magical Manifesters.  I mean just the name of this course alone makes me grin ear to ear.  Erin Stutland, the course leader, totally speaks my language...scroll down to read more!

My Coaching Studio

My Living Room for Student Showcase: Grandma's Basement Meets Ripley Grier

I now have a total of 11 students in my coaching studio, four of them bravely preparing for college auditions, one developing his very own daring cabaret, and the rest tapping, singing, and acting their troubles away.  I could not ask for a more dynamic and motivated group.  Watching them grow into storytellers and share their joy for performing with me has been invigorating and humbling.  I learn so much from my students and am always searching for the best vocabulary and metaphors to give them the clearest vision on what they want to accomplish.  I know how valuable working one on one is for me and I’m glad to now experience this on the other end.  I’m always welcoming in new students at any age or level: CONTACT ME FOR TEACHING RATES/INFO!

I’m also extremely proud of the successful College Prep and Pre-College Summer Program Showcase I organized before leaving town with Matthew Mastronardi on keys (and also an instrumental dose of inspiration in song coaching), hosted in my very own living room with an invited panel of industry guests to offer feedback and musical theatre career and training insight to 5 of my hard working students.  My students‘ parents also got to grab a glimpse of what their talented kids have been working on!  I cannot thank my guests enough; my living room has never been that alive, humming with musical theatre pride and passion!  Shout out to Kate Fahrner, Michael Warrell, Nate Golden, Megan Nicole O’Brien, and Rachel Camp!

**In teaching news, looks like I’ll be teaching at the Walnut Street Theatre in the new year, scheduled for tap introduction and H2$ seminars.
Check out my NEWS on my website for official info in the year to come!

BONUS!  Upcoming Philly Performances

He's BA-ack.

I’ll also be back on stage January-February '14 in the Walnut's Kid Series production of ALEXANDER WHO'S NOT x6  GOING TO MOVE, the musical sequel to ALEXANDER...NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY.  My entire cast from last year is back and I’m assistant choreographing again as well!  Can’t wait- I hear there is a singing dog in this one!

Professor Tag 

It was a pleasure to make my collegiate teaching debut this fall as well with the senior musical theatre majors at Temple University!  The class was called Dress Rehearsal, offering an intro to the business side of things and mock auditions as well to sharpen audition skills.  I went to town in offering resource guides for both Philadelphia and New York and loved pre-screening the students before performing for Philly casting/artistic directors.  We got deep and I totally fell in love with this class of students.  Go get ‘em ’14.
I love Jennie Eisenhower wildly for giving me this extraordinary teaching opportunity and can’t tell you how much she lights up the Arden Theatre Company stage with Ben Dibble in PARADE- what a duo.  Just in general too- PARADE was my fall musical pick.  My girls Rachel Camp and Alex Keiper were alongside Philebrities galore singing to the Southland and back in a stunning production.  Due to this, Patrick and I spent hours online googling the Leo Frank trial, making our own assumptions.  I felt like a History Channel presentation.

Dance and Yoga Time Outs

One of my favorite teachers and choreographers: J-RO!

I also took a little class in Philly, continuing my yoga class cards and temporary fancy gym class membership, plus  spending many Sunday nights dancing with Barrymore Award Nominated Choreographer Jenn Rose at Ballet Fleming.  I live for Jenn’s warm ups and sultry musical theatre combos.  I’m the best kind of sweaty mess at the end!  

Less Hustle More Flow

Magical Manifesters sprinkled fairy dust all over the woman I am and strive to be.  It’s the first online program I have ever signed up for and is catered to give structure and fulfillment to self starter goals and projects, attracting naturally many artists who operate on their own dime.  I really wanted this fall to be a lot about envisioning and mapping out my career and creative dreams, learning to treat actor/teaching artist self as a business (thanks Savvy Actor!) and to see a bright fulfilling future ahead in Wizard of Oz style technicolor.  I know I have a big move coming my way and my confidence and drive need to find a center, a way to not doubt my actions, give myself permission for the scary, gain control over my finances, and feel like an energized and healthy lady.  With four full weeks worth of module lessons via video and PDF worksheets, journaling, a weekly phone call, pod casts, and other bonus resources, MM has also given me a vibrant community online with open forums for my fellow MMers and I to share our discoveries and what we do.  Its pretty rad and inspiring.

Thanks to MM, I have already welcomed in a new cardio program Shrink Session, also created by the Magical Manifester Queen herself Erin (THERE IS NOTHING THIS WOMAN DOESN'T DO!), as an in home and on tour force of nature and am pumped to trade my on-the-run eating habits of Luna bars and trail mix in for dedicating time in the kitchen and preparing actual meals I can be proud of.  MM has also helped me get a good handle on budgeting and keeping control of my finances, so I can move to NY with a little cushion.  I also am working on my first real Dream Board!  I can’t wait to cut it all out and share the finished product!  I’ve based it off of the Mary Tyler Moore Theme: “You’re Gonna Make  It After All!”


So now here I am, staying next door to the George Washington Bridge with my beautiful roomie from college Amanda Catherine PhillipsGRINCH will soon be stealing me away and I can’t wait for another touring adventure.  The biggest event I'll be missing on tour this year (my Tag Christmas and Montclair Secret Santa Fest both postponed till January) will be my first college friend Madison Houck's wedding!!  I love you Mad- I know your big day is going to be a big smash and I send my love from afar!

The Card I created for Madison's Bridal Shower!

Well rehearsals have been a dream so far, head over heels in love with this company and creative team.  It just feels like family and I truly can't get enough of this show.  Also, since I'm already in the Christmas spirit, I’m beginning to get ready my holiday mailing list- YIPPEEE!  I'm glad 2013 will be going out Grinchy style. 

I’ll leave this blog with some recommendations and look forward to writing on the road!!

Love, Tara Tag

Fall Recommendations: 

Playwright: Beth Henley- Please let me do a Beth Henley play someday!  The women she voices are women I want to know.

Books: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series by Stieg Larsson- I’m saving the last one for tour.  Literally, I couldn't put the first two down.  I read 5 hours straight once from 7am-noon.  Now thats good writing.  Also, The Queen of Vaudeville by Andrew L. Erdman- all about the Vaudeville Icon I played this fall Eva Tanguay- is an empowering tale of a woman finding her voice fearlessly in a mens' entertainment industry.  She was the best kind of a pistol. 

Cast Albums: The Grinch!, the musical version is finally available featuring many of my friends ( Lilly Tobin!!) and does the trick for holiday magic, and I can't stop with Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.  I cannot wait to see this revolutionary piece of theatre.

TV: The Mary Tyler Moore Show- got to suggest a 40 yr throw back.  And The Sopranos.  I'm always behind.

Products: Arbonne.  My friend Nadia Vynnytsky sells these awesome and healthy skin products. CHECK IT OUT!

Actor Magic: The Growing Studio.  They are my go-tow to meet industry folk in a creative environment!  Check them out!

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