Friday, February 26, 2010

Come Look at the Freaks

Bon jour!
Well I'm enjoying this fabulous snowy vacation from school- absolutely falling in love with my sweet little apartment. My roommates and I have been dancing to our record player non stop (I was literally sweating when we gave you full out Cassie around the apartment to "The Music and the Mirror" from our ACL vinyl), watching priceless movies (Snow White is actually humming in the background right now, but Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is a new favorite- I could not handle the sophisticated style of Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe- its breathtaking), filling our kitchen with delicious smells, sipping wine with Ella Fitzgerald in the background, having make up/dress up parties (I dressed up like a Kit Kat Girl on Ice in honor of the Winter Olympics Figure Skating on TV), trekking to our favorite diner around the corner once again for snow day brunch, and just enjoying life without purpose these past two days. Its nice to sometimes take a time out. But after tonight, I will be owned by Side Show which opens in a week for Monday with its first free preview performance.

Side Show will be playing March 8 (Free Preview) to March 13. Please come see it if you are a free and looking for your eyes to be in awe of a freakishly bedazzled spectacle, inviting you into the darkness of the side show tents then taking you to the glamour of the vaudeville stage as it follows the story of Violet and Daisy Hilton, the famous conjoined twins. Side Show 2 will be about Paris and Nicky Hilton- I'm currently working on it, writing "Thats Hot" as the opening number. Bahaha- I'm foolish.
Anyways, I am extremely proud of my four senior class ladies who are alternating the roles of the full belting twins through out the week as well as the whole principle/ensemble cast. I probably will never wear such a cool costume either in my life (I'm giving you Britney Spears at the VMAs in "I'm a Slave for You").
But please come see it. You can find all the information at this site:

I will be busy as a bee for the next 2 weeks, prepping for showcase, rehearsing and then performing at the Kasser one last time (tears), and auditioning for summer work. These snow days have been a treat, but its time to put down the pancakes and snowballs and get back to work. Hope everyone else enjoyed the two days of white bliss and spent them cuddling with the people they love too!

Come see Side Show!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February Update

Hello again!
I just felt totally weird typing that- hahaha- does anyone read this? Hahaha, whatever. Fierce- lets go.
Hey there February- I love this month because I always associate it with leg warmers, snow days, Mom's birthday, the beginning of Lent (say good bye to peanut butter and Starbucks Tara), and rehearsals keeping my nights busy and splendid. And also LOST begins tonight and I might pass out after this season premiere. I am rooting for Juliet 100%. I am so proud that I am all caught up. Season Five was my favorite yet.
I am just about finished with my grad school auditions and am now trying to get in shape for my ferocious Snake Lady costume in Side Show- turban fitting tomorrow- CANNOT WAIT. Grad school auditions have been an education. An amazing one. I have learned so much about myself as an auditioner and just as a unique individual. Its been so wonderful seeing how many people want to further their training and are equally as passionate about theatre as I am. It was a draining week- emotionally and physically (schlepping into Manhattan and elsewhere almost every day of the past week with my handy dandy duffle-passing out on trains and buses and bouncing from the extremes of excited to exhausted like I was a see saw), but I felt so proactive and found love and truth in my pieces. I was finally able to strip away the nerves and just live in my monologues- I love exploring new shades of them each time. So far, I have been accepted into one school- The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama- for an MA in Musical Theatre- and I am extremely pumped and pleased to have this as an option. I flew out of my chair when I found out and screamed for joy! Ask my roommate Michael who was watching Angel in our living room minding his own business. I was almost expecting nothing to come from all this, but am honored to have RSAMD as a choice. Oh gosh Scotland! WOW!
I absolutely love my semester so far (my classes are awesome) and also the people that fill my days. I truly have the best friends out there. I'm always laughing and there is something to be said for that. Cannot wait to see my roomies, my ACTF partner Kiki, and my central Jersey love Shannon star in The Spitfire Grill this weekend. I will be crying most likely at all moments.
I'm also starting to take theatre dance once a week in the city at Broadway Dance- totally pumped about that. Thursdays at 12- Meet me there! Don't forget your character shoes! Last week, Ashley T and I took it and strutted it out to Liza. Do I need to say more? Oh and I so just ordered Liza at the Palace and cannot wait to put it in my DVD player and melt. She is the best.
I also auditioned for the Rockette Summer Intensive this weekend- it was so much fun! I was clearly the oldest one there (it didnt help that I wore my bedazzled "What a Feeling" 80s vintage sweatshirt to show my age more), but after that call- I think I can actually handle an open call for Radio City. I was cracking up in the audition. I am pretty sure I am the only person to audition for Yale and the Rockettes in one weekend. Let Christmas SHINE!
Also a quick little ad:
Marcy Jellison, my private acting/vocal coach in the city, is looking for new students. I recommend Marcy with all my heart and soul. She is my angel, my go-to, my mentor, and one of my best friends. She is such a beautiful energy- she gives you all of herself and passions to motivate you and help you succeed. I have had a relationship with Marcy for about 5 years now and it is still going strong. She continually offers me a safe place to try new pieces and has me dig deep into them. Her wonderful spirit is contagious too. Please visit her website if you have interest:
She is just a blessing in my life!
So thats all I got for right now- I'm cooking my best friend dinner now and can't wait to put on my apron.

"If life is too easy, you lose your joy."
Discuss among yourselves.